Hey there, my dad recently got a pc off a friend who was moving out of the counrty. long story short, he took out all of the pci cards and gave them to me as he would hvae no use for them,now there is a tv tuner card with audio in and out, svideo in and video in, there is also a cat tv connection, although im unsure wheather its in or out. ive downloaded drivers from the net, and windows says its working, but without any sofeware (or idea!!) i havent got a clue if its working or not! so anyone have any suggestions on any software i can get to try this out?? by the way, its a conexant cx23881-27 TV@nywhere card. well that what it reads on it! i couldnt find much info on it on the net, and it took me quite a while to find drivers for it too.. any help would be great!! ps:sorry if this is in the wrong forum
Start here: http://www.msicomputer.com/product/p_spec.asp?model=TV@nywhere_Master&class=vga Drivers: http://www.msi.com.tw/program/support/driver/dvr/spt_dvr_list.php?part=10 Software: http://www.msi.com.tw/program/suppo....php?part=10&kind=34&CHIP=1&COM=&Page=2&num=0 (the top link is to the TVR one).