I need a new tv, I have standard Dish Network. I do not plan to have HDTV in near future, but maybe sometime down the road. I would like a TV in the 40-50" range. I know that LCD tv's are only around 40", but I did see a LCD tv beside of a DLP and the standard tv station looked much better on the LCD. Is this pretty much the norm "LCD looks much better than DLP on standard tv"?? Opinions are very much welcomed.
It depends on the quality of each type. I have seen some really bad LCDs but I have never seen a DLP that I liked. I have only seen a few of the higher end LCDs that were worth watching. I just bought a plasma and I am happy. Although it seems to me my CRT HDTV had a better picture when watching SDTV and video games - sharper, crisper and brighter. DVDs look better on the plasma but still not as bright as the CRT. I will be subscribing to Comcast HDTV later this week and I am betting on the plasma for that.