TV Remote Sensor Incorrectly FILTERING Infrared Signals

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by mediumblu, Feb 14, 2009.

  1. mediumblu

    mediumblu Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    I have a question to pose that you guys/gals may or may not be able to help with.

    I'm the owner of a 27" SDTV RCA TruFlat television, model # 27F534T. I'm also the owner of a an RCA DVD player, model # DRC8312. Both units were sold at the same retail store, at the same time, practically side-by-side. There is, however, a problem with this TV's remote sensor. From what I've gathered by Google-ing until my eyes bleed, the problem is referred to as incorrectly filtering remote infrared signals. Here's what happens:

    When I use my DVD remote in DVD mode, the following buttons wrongly interact with the TV:

    1: Pressing the "left" or "right" arrows on the DVD remote to navigate a DVD menu will simultaneously change my TV's aspect ratio.

    2: Pressing "up" on the DVD remote to navigate a DVD menu simultaneously changes the TV channel up.

    3: Pressing "menu" on the DVD remote to access the DVD's menu simultaneously displays the TV's menu system.

    4: Pressing "power" on the DVD remote to turn the DVD player ON or OFF will simultaneously make the TV EITHER: power ON when it's already turned OFF, or power OFF when it's already turned ON.

    5: Pressing any of the number buttons (0-9) on the DVD remote will simultaneously change the TV's channel.

    6: Pressing "Chapter +" or "Chapter -" on the DVD remote will simultaneously change the TV's channel, respectively up or down.

    --As you can see, this can be VERY frustrating; I have to point the DVD player's remote at the floor in order for it to be out of the range of the TV's faulty IR sensor.

    When I contacted RCA about this problem, I was told to position my DVD player farther away from the TV so that I wouldn't have to point the remote at both.

    I've verified that the problem is NOT with the remote, but with ALL TruFlat SDTVs model number 27F534T OR 27F524T (and there may be other affected models). Here is how I know that the TVs are to blame.

    #1: I've tried using 3 other RCA DVD players that were totally different models and the same problem existed with my TV.

    #2: I've tried my RCA DVD player on other RCA TruFlat TVs that were NOT labeled SDTV, and were NOT my model, and there was NO problem.

    #2: I've carried my DVD remote into retail stores to try my remote on display TVs that were the SAME model as mine, and all 3 display units with my model number had the SAME PROBLEM!!!

    --I've done all the searching that I can, but someone must have a solution (other than buying a new TV, or a non-RCA DVD player). I feel that ANYONE who owns a 27F534T/27F524T AND an RCA DVD player of ANY model MUST have this same problem. Also, buying a universal remote does NOT solve the problem.

    Is there any way to fix a TV that incorrectly filters infrared remote signals? Does anyone know the code that you "punch" on my TV's front panel buttons to enter technician configuration settings? Can I electronically change the IR signals that my TV responds to, and make it respond to another RCA-used television IR frequency that also agrees with RCA DVD players? Any help would be wonderful...
  2. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    have you talked to the store were you bought the tv & player from about the problem? have you talked to rca?
  3. mediumblu

    mediumblu Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    The store, unfortunately, was Walmart. The employees know very little, and as good as WM is about exchanges, it's past the date range.

    I did talk to RCA, but they insisted that I should just move the DVD player to another location farther from the TV's remote sensor.

    I know that there's a code that can be entered on the "front panel" buttons that allows technicians to enter a "service mode" or something. I feel like it's possible that the IR code could be changed from that service mode. Since other RCA TruFlat TV's work with my DVD player's remote without a problem, I would love to program an older TruFlat IR code into my TV. I was hoping that someone else would know how to enter service mode, or at the least would have had this IR filtering problem.

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