I was curious to know if you can purchase the actual box set, and add your "burned" dvds to it? For a better understanding take a look at the picture below. http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B0009IW88K.01._SS500_SCLZZZZZZZ_V1125033456_.jpg I want to know if you can purchase the case that holds the dvds. Add your burned dvds, and voila you have your box set at 80% below the cost.
Interesting prospect....you would like the TV companies to aid you in your piracy of their products by supplying you just their authorised case and cover art work, while you borrow/download the original content and burn it to blank discs...Now I wonder how that conversation would go down at the latest sales pitch meeting. The simple answer would be NO!!! Piracy of any kind is not condoned by any one here at AD. Look in the rules here http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/2487 However if you just want some empty cases to hold multiple dics then they are available. Look here for some examples http://www.ukdvdr.co.uk/shop/DVD-CD-Cases-c-297.html
Alright fine. Then how about this "prospect" what if the dvd box series that you purchased, you want to back it up. Now instead of just backing whatever box series/dvd that you have, you'd like to replicate the actual cover art that it originally came in. How would you go about this? Other than the obvious - downloading the cover art, and then placing it in your empty case...
As the Fonz used to say " Exactamundo" (showing my age now) either down load it or scan it. But only for back up purposes.
As in seeing this is the only decision that I have, I'll take it! Oh, and the Fonz, yeah I see how old you are
As old as most of my teath and older than most of my hair. Should you have trouble scanning your covers there is a nice site wher eyou can get the scans for your own back-ups. Try taking a look here at this archive http://www.cdcovers.cc/covers.php Good luck.