WHY!?!?! I finally got the show on the iPod and now when I go to TV Shows and click on the show it just shows the little TV icon in the corner and the Comedy Central "Album Artwork" and I only get sound... How do I watch the show? I was able to watch it on iTunes!
Whatever format you got it with..it has to be converted to be played in your ipod. best thing i would suggest you do is get the ipod converter and when its finish ...... import it to your itunes ...then upload to your ipod..you will need to edit the info on the show to make sure its going in the right section of your ipod...which should be tv shows.. good luck...
Did you get your videos from iTunes or an outside source? If you got them from an outside source, you will need to convert them to MP4 using a program such as Videora iPod Converter. Free Download here: http://www.videora.com/en-us/Converter/AppleTV/download.php
I am only able to view TV Shows on my iPod by going to Videos|Video Playlists|Recently Added. There are A LOT of people who say the same thing. And it has NOTHING to do with sync because I use manual sync. In iTunes, my TV Shows show up as being in my iPod under TV Shows, it's just that my actual iPod doesn't have "TV Shows" listed. I finally just put my TV Shows under movies.
Hey, Basically the problem might be because you are trying to play the video file from your music libary, you have to go to 'videos' in you main menu on your ipod to play a video file. I think. Hope this helps
No, this won't help. I think it's a flaw with the firmware or something, because the same exact thing happened to me. I will experiment a little bit with this and post back.
ShineDRC, You're ignoring my request to remove the affiliate link in your sig so maybe this will get your attention. When your suspension is up that link better be gone and I don't want to see you link to anymore software sites. If you like a certain software then tell people about it but no more linking.