I have a bunch of Family Guy files on iTunes. I added them by dragging and dropping them into the TV Shows part of iTunes but for some reason they all go to the Movies part of it? How come and wil they show up as TV Shows on my iPod oce I get it for Xmas?
They are considered movies because you imported them in. TV shows are from when you buy them from the iTunes store. If you want them in a specific TV show folder make a playlist.
I was hoping to have them in the main menu part of the iPod so I could select it where you select music, just like when you buy them from the store. I don't care too much I just like to have my iPod perfectly organized the way I like it. I'll just leave them where they are for now then
I finally figured it out myself. It was really simple too. All you have to do is; Right Click on the Video File > Get Info > Video and then, under video type, select TV Show, Movie, or Music Video and they all go to the correct places in iTunes. Bad news is, I deleted all the episodes I had when I got frustrated the first time lol.
Doing that, doesn't work to the best of my knowledge. It works in iTunes but it won't transfer over to your iPod. Those TV Shows will be missing. You can use this to convert the tag so they do show up in the TV Show category of your iPod: http://members.verizon.net/pucklock/iPTV/iPodTVShow.html