I have a sony vc20 http://reviews.designtechnica.com/review2700.html It is basically a little black box that can accept a Composite or S-Video signal and burn it directly to DVD. It works fine if unplug my TV/Cable system and rewire everything directly into the littel box. However, my goal with this device is to record my old Tivo shows, perhaps even as I am watching them in real time. My Cable box has two composite outs (as well as s-video) -I plugged my TV into the "TV Out" coposite (as usual) -I plugged the new Sony box into the "VCR out" composite -The little Sony says "Receiving Signal" But nothing records. Am I correct to assume that my cable box would output two signals at the same time? One to the TV and an identical one to the VCR/(Sony) at the same time?
The majority of cable/sat boxes you can only use one output at a time....normally you need to split the signal, like a coxail splitter if you were using a coxail but you can't with this. The only suggestion I have is to run it threw an audio reciever and that way you split the signal by composite, componet your choice.