ubuntu on mac problems

Discussion in 'Linux - General discussion' started by p1r473, Oct 18, 2008.

  1. p1r473

    p1r473 Member

    Feb 28, 2007
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    the story begins with my 2 imac g3's i got off ebay for 99 cents each, came with no hard drives.
    poped in a formated 10gb xbox hard drive and used the other one for parts to make this one faster, all i got out of it was more ram, 198mb of fury!!
    i then installed osx 10.2 and it was slow as shit and i didnt have a copy of os9 or lower so i thought i was screwed, until i remembered ubuntu makes a mac copy of linux so i formated and installed ubuntu 4.10

    now the questions i have are...

    how do i check the system information to tell if i have a 266mhz or the 333mhz cpu?

    is there another version of flash player so i can go on youtube that will install on 4.10, iv tried to install it a few times and it keeps saying it wont work.

    are there ways of over clocking to give it a little extra boost?

    why is it that it wont let me update any higher then 4.10?

    when i downloaded an ice theme i found, i googled ubuntu themes and clicked on the first site and the first theme i seen just to see if that would work and you guessed it, it didnt work

    why does gaim keep randomly closing while im in the middle of using it?

    last time i installed ubuntu on my imac g3 was way back and it was runing 5.10 and it ran well with flash player and everything, but now it wont even load the 5.10 disc so i thought id try 4.10 and then update from there and it wont let me update either

    those be the questions
  2. p1r473

    p1r473 Member

    Feb 28, 2007
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    oh and another question, is there a faster or a lite version of linux i could use on a mac instead of ubuntu?
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2008
  3. varnull

    varnull Guest

    pass... best place for the g3 is in the trash.

    you could give DSL or puppy a go.. but again I doubt they will support any of the hardware.
  4. OzMick

    OzMick Guest

    I can assemble a (cheap, but respectable) brand new box for AU$250, could probalby get that under $200 without too much effort just by looking beyond the 1 regular place I buy from. Is it really worth all the headaches and time to try and salvage something that is just going to piss you off every time you sit down to try to use it? Less than 1 days wages and you get a hell of a lot more productivity.
  5. varnull

    varnull Guest

    Aye.. Your average dumpster PC will be better specced for linux.

    I get offered these old mac's from time to time.. I refuse them.. they ain't worth the yard space.
  6. p1r473

    p1r473 Member

    Feb 28, 2007
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    haha ok, i was just wondering cause i just wanted to beef it up a bit without spending much, im getting a new 2.30ghz amd quadcore, 1tb harddrive, 4gb of ram,. 512mb bfg nvidia video card, and i alrady have my 24inch samsung lcd, its just i wanted to make it a bit faster while i was waiting for all the parts to get in since it all i have right now, should have all the parts in a few weeks, thanks for the help :)

    now i know the g3 is just as shitty as it looks lol

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