hi!I need help. im gunna get a new computer. I decided on getting a dell laptop. ughh which laptop is like the best but cheap?
get Toshiba better than dell. Toshiba running offeres every where, best buy, target, office depot, etc. On consumer magazine reported that dell had 47% problem, on the other hand Toshiba had only 2% Recommend that you add more ram( find on ebay) so you will not run off space or slow notebook.
I agree with kaledrr Toshiba is the better one out of the 2 i have one and it has not caused me any probs. DEll causes people problems left right and centre regardless if its a PC or Laptop, i would suggest to stay away from that DELL brand all together
also consider getting extened warrinty, it will save alot of money later. Dell only have their own service, so if something went wrong either you have to shipit to them or wait for a repair persoen to fix it, which is take about weeks if you live in small city. Toshiba, give the option or to send it or give a location to be fixed.