Hey all, Recently purchased a slightly used Toshiba M55-S135 laptop that has a Matshita UJ-840s DVD-RW drive in it. Tried burning some 4X FujiFilm DVD-RW (I know they aren't the best quality), but am limited to a speed of 2.4X for some reason in addition to them crapping out 3/4 way through the burn. I've used Nero and Roxio, both with the same result. Basically, i figure these discs aren't compatible, but before I toss them thought I'd have a look to see if I have the latest firmware (1.52). Unfortunaetly Panasonic/Matshita doesn't support it as they claim it's Toshiba's responsibility and i can't find anywhere to download new firmware from their site. Looked all over the net and can't find anything... can anyone supply me with a link to the latest firmware for this thing?? Cheers, Steve
Hi Steve. I have the same laptop, and I want a firmware to unlock the region code of my DVD drive. If you or anybody get the new firmware, please send me the location. Thanks
Hi, Steve. I have the same notebuk, and I want a firmware to unlock the region code of my DVD drive. I didn`t know, I didin`t change region.(more) now I have only one region USA a I cann`t watch DVD with region EU and I cann`t change only new firmware or new DVD-rom. Plaese if you or anybody get the new firmware, please send me. Thanks Petra kvapilovap@orangemail.sk