UK Channel Freq for Replay lite

Discussion in 'Digital TV - UK & Europe' started by bainy88, Sep 26, 2007.

  1. bainy88

    bainy88 Member

    Jul 2, 2007
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    does anyone have the freq list for the replay box as im missing a few channels.

    and if anyone as a simply guide on how to do a manual search i would be in there debt


  2. BRIAN1956

    BRIAN1956 Regular member

    Jun 18, 2007
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    Hi bainy,

    If you scroll half way down this page you will find frequencies for the UK

    This full search should find your channels in the UK.

    Start freq 290
    end freq 692
    symbol rate 6887/6952
    constellatioN 64 Qam
    Search by network ON

    To do a manual search on the replay box.

    User Installation,
    Manual Search….OK
    Up pops the Manual Search box.

    Channel number: CH 1.
    Frequency: Enter the frequency from the frequency list.
    Symbol Rate: 6952 for UK.
    Constellation: 64 QAM.
    Search By Network: ON.
    The box will find a number of channels on your selected frequency.
    When the search is finished, Select VIEW.
    The new channels will be now stored at the bottom of your channel list.
    Eg:If you already had 120 channels stored, the new ones will be stored from 121 onwards.

    The manual search will find some channels you already have, just delete them and if you find nothing just change the symbol rate to 6887 as some UK area's use this symbol rate.

    Go to menu,Channel Manager, TV Channel and use the green edit to move, delete or rename the channels.

    If you need any more help, go to the link below as there are a lot more people there to help you with replay lite questions.

    If you are still missing channels it may be due to a week signal in your area.

    I sometimes do a full scan when I am going to bed and then they are all there in the morning, just have to sort them out.

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