I have been editing and rendering 720 x 576 16:9 videos in Ulead VS9 to MPEG2 format. I have used the default PAL DVD profile for 16:9 and have also played around with the quality settings, the variable/constant bit rate settings of around the 8000kbps mark, upper lower field first and 2 pass encode, however I keep getting the same results on the output file. All of the output files image appears blurry/slightly smudged in comparison to the sharp quality of the original file which was a DVD Rip to MPEG format. I am wondering if there is anything I can try to resolve this or whether it is just a flaw of the Ulead MPEG Encoder or all video editing software. I know there is some loss during compression but I wouldn't have thought it would be this noticable. Any help would be appreciated.
This is a flaw of the Ulead video encoder. The same flaw exists for most "all in one" video capturing/encoding/burning solutions. They are crap. The best way is to use Ulead to produce your "production ready" videos and then use a dedicated encoder to make mpeg2's. Suggested ones? TMPG Enc, CCE, Procoder. For my home videos/memories, I use nothing less than Procoder.