Unable to install Doom 3

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Minh711, Sep 10, 2004.

  1. Minh711

    Minh711 Member

    Sep 10, 2004
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    Hey sup yall I bought Doom 3 and for some reason, when i try to install it in my partitioned HD, d:\games\Doom 3, an error came up......error 1317: unable to create...w/e folder....Is it because of the security settings on the drive? Cuz i kinda fooled around with it. The d: is currently owned by my user: Minh Huynh. I am also the Administrator for my computer. Remote Destop is also enable and both accounts Minh Huynh, and Adminstrator are added. Is there anyway to install the game!?!??! i tried looking on google for doom 3 error 1317 but nothing comes up. I used to have 1 ghz on c: but i installed SP2 for XP Pro so its lonly 500 Mbs now. Hopefully some1 can help me....
  2. The_OGS

    The_OGS Active member

    Feb 18, 2004
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    Hi Minh,
    Let's see now, if D:\ is owned by your user, then both the user and the administrator can access it, unless you specifically excluded the administrator account and the administrators group.
    Remote desktop should have nothing to do with things.
    Doom3 requires 2GB free space (minimum, and maybe more than that to get it installed).
    And buddy trust me, a man needs 50,000MB free an his C:\ drive - much better than 500MB :)
    Harddisks are inexpensive - I recommend a 80GB w/8MB cache.
    Anyway id software / Activision tech support is just sittin' by the phone, waiting for your call
    (they're lonely...)
    Good luck, let us know what that error was.
  3. Minh711

    Minh711 Member

    Sep 10, 2004
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    yo thx for the input. I dont really need a lot of space in c: cuz its mainly programs that i put in. 5 ghz in c: is going to be more than enough. The only reason y its so low its becuase of the SP2 that i installed. It used to ahve 1ghz free space. btw, i do know what 200 Ghz HDs are selling for like $200. But i dont need that much space.I dont really wanna call id cuz they treat u like morons. I administrate my pc so i set d: so that Minh Huynh (moi), adminstrator, and CREATOR OWNER full control. The owner of d: is the adminstrators group. For some odd reason it doesnt let my install doom 3 cuz its unable to create folders. i can create delete or modify any folder in d:. I tried to restore the image that i made for my pc using power quest but an error came up: error 88 unable to recognize specified. I look it up and i got no answer. Its a mystery. I used the same program for my dell dimension 2100 and no problem. only with compaq. stupid motherboard. ill call them and see what happens thx :)

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