I just got my burner and media. I'm cautious about opening my Unifino DVD-r which is a sensitive dye and not an metal azo. I also found out that sometimes the burning process runs into compatibilty issues between the hardware(i have a nec 2510a), the software(i have nero 6, dvd shrink 3.2, and dvd decrypter 3.2) and the media. Does any one have any experience wih the scenario that i just described, i could really use the help. thanks for reading. oh yeah on other thing, will a playstation play a dvd-r, or does it require a different format.
You can search for which media works best with PS2 here: http://www.videohelp.com/dvdplayers I use Shrink 3.2, DVD Decrypter 3.2.3, and Nero 6 w/ a NEC 2510A. I have no problems so far. What compatibility issues are you thinking of? If you can return them, and buy some good media. I'm not saying Unifino is bad media, just never heard of it. Also if you can swing it, I would add another stick of ram. At least get to 512mb.
thanks for the info flip, i read up on unifino its a new japanese company, and some of the NEC2510a users say its works really good for them, and other reviews i've read aren't that bad, so maybe i panicked too soon. but just in case, other than looking for a metal azo, is there anything else to look for. +/- from what i understand doeast mean much because i have a +/- burner. as far as adding a stick, i'd love to but i'm technically very incompetent, you should have seen me freaking out trying to install my burner and that was just slding it in and connecting it.
The only thing I can recommend is ... control your burns. (ie. burn at 4x or 2.4x when burning with Nero or DVD Decrypter) Also adding memory is easy, you should look up your mother board to find out what is the max ram you can install. Also find out which ram you need (ie. pc2100, pc2700 or pc3200).
Hi, Here's a link to more information about Unifino media http://www.videohelp.com/forum/archive/t225319.html
thanks for the link, they guy who bought them said they were as good as the riteks, but the reason the burn was avg was because is burner didnt support it. Whcich leads me to the next questions i have. I read something about "Media code'-block " and "firmware". Basically from what i understand your burner has to be able to supports the media or the results will suck, and if it isnt supported then i have to get firmware. How do i know if my hardware will support the media(can i check somewhere), and if it doesnt, then where do i go to get the firmware. Thanks again for helping out guys. I've tried looking around, and i'm not sure where to look, i try searching but i get sites that arent there anymore or in another language.
Have a look here for published media compatibilty lists for the NEC ranges. Make sure you have a suitable .pdf reader installed. http://www.de.nec.de./softwareoverview2.php/id/557
thanks baabaa, i was looking online at nec, but it was the wrong nec site. Unifino is not listed but i have read others using it with the 2510a and not having any problems, so how do firwares work, do you have to download a single update for each media or do all i need to do is download the firmware, and it will do all the updates required.
thanks nephilim, i had the roxio software, but i was too lazy to install it, so i t was never on my computer to remove, but its's good to know that i shouldn't install it.
I have no idea how to do this, am i actually opening up the computer, and looking or is there somewhere i can look online.
Generally updating the firmware is used to iron out bugs, and increase the media capability of the drive... A firmware update MAY cure your problem, what I would do is contact the people you have referred to, who have had successful burns with that media and Nec drive and ask them what firmware level theirs are at - if it is different it may well be worth doing it - However there are risks involved, a bad firmware flash CAN render your drive useless - upto you really........... The NEC site - indicates what they have tested to be compatible and therefore can recommend them, however this does not mean the discs you have cannot be supported........Other users may be using an alternative firmware flash............. Personally, I would try the safe route first and obtain some good quality Ritek GO4 discs, they should work fine................. Those discs you mentioned (I have never heard of them) and any seller of them WILL say they are just as good as Riteks..........even when they are not..... Take them back, tell him they are junk and plum for a better quality one........ In order to check your RAM, you will probably need some software that can read them.... I use AIDA32, which is a simple information/benchmarking tool - this will give you the info you require. Do a search on google fo it - it will be a free download - mine was......... _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Beware of the Pixies - they move in over night and turn your life upside down [/small]
that's scary, thanks for the info baabaa. I got the unifino dvd-r from newegg, the reviews ther were good with the drive that i have, so a 100pack for $34 with free shipping seemed like a good deal, i've been researching and these results http://club.cdfreaks.com/showthread.php?t=102568&highlight=unifino with the right firmware seem to be good