Possible to get an unlock code for a Nokia 1600 Rh64 Imei 357953002055761 Code 0525137 Australia Vodafone
The handset serial number you entered was not found on the VODAFONE AUSTRALIA system. Please check that you have entered the number correctly or is not locked to vodafone Australia.
357953/00/205576/1 Triple quadruple checked the IMEI that's the correct number including dashes leads back to 357953002055761 without after testing it only accepts a vodafone AU Sim card rejects a 3Au Sim card. not sure what the issue could be, Thanks for the effort Trin
Try this ONCE and ONCE only. Remember, you only get 5 tries. If you enter the same code two times, that is two tries. #pw+805971535505243+1# OR #pw+818851535505243+1# IF NEEDED