Unlock code needed for K810i Sony Ericsson on T-Mobile

Discussion in 'Sony phones' started by aeris_7, Jul 6, 2007.

  1. aeris_7

    aeris_7 Member

    Apr 16, 2007
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    Make/model phone: Sony Ericsson K810i.
    IMEI #: 356127016115512.
    Country the phone is locked in: UK.
    Provider the phone is locked to: T-Mobile.

    Any help would be much appreciated, thanks. :)
  2. sonyk810i

    sonyk810i Member

    Jul 9, 2007
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    hi there m8,well i bought the phone new from t-mobile (pay as you go),i asked them for the code,they said 15.00,but then they said you have to top up and wait 3 months,then they'll give the code,not before.also all local shop normally can unlock most phones but no one has the software at the moment,maybe a copule of months or so.

    hope this helps!
  3. aeris_7

    aeris_7 Member

    Apr 16, 2007
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    Hey! I have a contract with T-Mobile and they've said pretty much the same thing. £15 and I have to have been with them for a month, then they'll unlock it. :( Just wish I could get it done a bit sooner as it was a present for my boyfriend who's on O2 and now he has to wait for his suave new phone!
  4. Jmz2k7

    Jmz2k7 Guest

    Hey, I have just got a sony ericsson k810i, but its locked onto T-mobile. I got it from an upgrade 4 days ago, but would T-mobile unlock it due to it being 4 days old. I have been to several shops and they said that they can unlock the k810i, but not on T-mobile due to the software being out yet.

    Do you Think they will unlock it? (I Have my Contract sim in there)
    Thanks, James
  5. aeris_7

    aeris_7 Member

    Apr 16, 2007
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    I had to wait for T-Mobile to unlock the phone for me as no shop would do it. :(

    You have to be with T-Mobile for a month, then you pay £15 for an unlocking code which, from the date you request, it takes 1 month to come back to you in the post.

    It's LONG but seems to be the only way atm.
    :( Good luck!

  6. Jmz2k7

    Jmz2k7 Guest

    Hi again,
    I just called up T-mobile, and they are unlocking my phone now, of a charge of £15. They said my phone will be unlocked in a couple of days now. They will ring me when it's done then i just put my o2 sim card in there, and it's unlocked!
    Thanks for your help
    :)( I will tell you when it comes through)
  7. lomb

    lomb Guest

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