can someone please help!!! i have 2 laptop HD one is ATA and one is SATA, 40gb and 100gb respectively. does any one how i could unlock the hard drive i already tried a few things but nothing seems to work any solutions???
well i would like to unlock the drive for obvious reasons, hence i could use the drive for my ps3 and other purposes. i have not heard of the "axe approch" could u explain. i have tried atapwd with no success, tried many partition tools with the same result
He's probably making fun of you because your post is quite hard to understand. I'm not familiar with the process of 'unlocking' a drive but presume it's something you have to do to get the drives to work in a PS3. You should really have stated this earlier. If you want to upgrade the HDD in your PS3, read this:
well thanks for the info i will keep this in mind if i wish to ungrade my ps3 HD, but the hardrives i want to unlock are not going to into my PS3 as a upgrade but to use as external storage to store my movies etc. i already have the enclosers but the 2 hd themselves are locked with a password(which i dont kno), hence i cant write or delete any thing, hence why the partion tools and format tools arn't working. Thus i need a method of unlocking the HD's first before i can even do anything with the drives, either it is upgrading the PS3 HD or using the HD's as storage i still need them unlocked hence why this problem is giving me a headache
no i do not need the data from the drives. I have tryed to format many times using programs much more powerful than disk managment. when i do use the encloser and use the usb it does not appear in my computer. when i do go to disk management there 2 cases in xp it does not appear there, but is vista it does but when i do try to format it says device is not initialized this happins because it is locked hence, the no write or delete problem with locked drives
I've never heard of a locked hard drive before in that context - is it related to the enclosure, rather than the drives themselves?
unfortinatly not, i bought the enlcosers myself. these HD were given to my brother from his friend but his friend forgot the password. hence i have no way of unlocking them with the password. thus i need an alternative way of unlocking the HD.
Ok what your describing is more or less impossible. The data on the harddrive may very well be "locked." But there is no way of physically locking a harddrive from doing anything. So they're either broken or your not formatting them right. Download Gparted. Run the live cd. Choose your harddrive your trying to "unlock" Delete the current partition and then format it, into a (If your a windows user) NTFS file system. lecsiy
No, but my bet is that hes turning his pc on which has a bios password. The things asking for a password and hes getting confused thinking its his HD asking for a pass and not the bios.
Lol sorry, I don't mean to nitpick, I wondered if you had any better ideas about this, because I'm stumped really. I've never seen a hard disk ask for a UN/P before.
Yeah, somethings definatly up with that HD or enclosure. Godhands, what happens when you try and format it?
just to get everthing clear it is not the encloser because i also used a 2.5->3.5 converter and the same result. i put the notebook HD into my desktop pc, i connected it to my motherboard. i used " hirens book disk" it is a very powerful boot disk with many useful programs like partition tools and HD tools. but everything i tryed nothing worked. i tryed for formate it but it says disk is not initilized when i try it inside windows. but when i try it in the bootdisk most formating and partition tools cant detect it. when i use a tool made for my specfic drive (hitatchi)- it it gives me a few options but once i choose one it brings me to a black screen were i must put a password in to access the drive. thus i cannot formate it or delete the partition with normal tools. i tryed a powerful tool called kill disk, this program enables me to completely delet everything on the drive. this program was able to detect my drive while i was using a usb but once i set it to kill the disk it got stuck computer frooze prolly because of the password. and to the doubters i assure you it is not the bios, the drive is locked the password is in the firmware of the drive il give you a link in which you could understand what type of password it is. it is in there were u could understand but if you already know what im talking about dont bother because it is quite long.