unlock nokia 1600

Discussion in 'Nokia - Unlocking' started by cosbmw37, Jun 5, 2008.

  1. cosbmw37

    cosbmw37 Member

    Jan 6, 2007
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    I want to decode my phone beacuse tommorow i`m going to another country for 2 months a i need a mobile phone to talk with my family.

    Model: Nokia 1600
    Type RH-64
    V 6.40
    Country: Romania

  2. skylinegt

    skylinegt Guest

    if youre going to another country for 2 months and youre NOW DECIDING to unlock your phone?..

    try this code

    how to use
    remove sim card and power on phone
    enter code provided
    use the star key(*) to get the p and w and + signs by pressin it quickly and you'll get it

    please only TRY ONCE if u get ERROR STOP come back and tell me

    please verify the code before entering the last digit onto your phone

    please reply and say if it works

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