Might go,if all phone data was OK. Verify once more,wher is your phone locked to. And read- http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/405992 Was für ein error war uberhaupt?
Alle Daten sind OK. Nokia 5070, Type: RM-166 Deutschland Vodafone 354824/01/252374/7 Wo war ein error?
Ich habe dich um error gefragt,weil du-Does not go.-geschrieben hast. Und auch schon gefragt hier, http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/405992 Wie viele codes hast du uberhaupt probiert? Du hast nur 3 attempts. This code was OK- #pw+009 553 520 750 230+7# but you can try auch- #pw+495 877 011 353 755+1# And read ,wie du code eintippen muss- Do Not Enter Spaces. press # Press * 3 times fast for (p) Press * 4 times fast for (w) Press * 2 times fast for (+) Verify code before pressing the last # If you see"Code error", don't try again!!
Ich habe deine und diese codes probiert #pw+485 157 011 353 755+1# #pw+398 236 527 644 732+2# #pw+742 920 173 051 626+3# #pw+903 812 437 110 012+4# #pw+946 452 777 426 757+5# #pw+248 915 175 651 413+6# #pw+099 833 520 750 230+7# kein erfolg!
See above all my posts. You had only 3 attempts. Now your handy is hardlocked-will work only with Vodafone. To unlocked now you must go to phoneshop for direct unlock. I asked you-how many codes did you tried before? And your codes couldnot work-for this model V2 dont work. Your phone was hardlocked before by yourself. WHAT "CAN NOT UNDO RESTRICTION" & "NOT ALLOWED" MEANS When you have seen the message (Can Not Undo Restriction) or (Not Allowed), it means one of the following: 1.) You entered 5 or more wrong codes into your phone. Some models only allow 3 chances. 2.) The phone was bought off Ebay and the seller did the same as above. This may be why they sold it. 3.) You have browsed around looking at other peoples phones and assumed the code that worked for their model, would also work on yours. All IMEI numbers are different, which means every code for different phones will be different. 4.) You kept entering the same code over and over when seeing "code error" the first time. You should only enter a code ONCE!! YOU ONLY GET 3 TO 5 CHANCES TO ENTER THE CORRECT CODE This also applies to 6101's and 6102's that show (phone restrictions on) This means that your phone is hardlocked to the original provider and it will only work with the original provider. The only way to unlock your mobile is to take / send it to a professional unlocker or a shop that offers a direct unlocking service.