unlock nokia 6101

Discussion in 'Nokia - Unlocking' started by prophecie, May 27, 2008.

  1. prophecie

    prophecie Member

    May 16, 2008
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    can someone help me out and give me the unlock code for my phone.

    Make:Nokia 6101
    IMEI: 358360007932201
    locked to Vodafone Australia
  2. skylinegt

    skylinegt Guest

    try this code


    how to use reomve simm card and power on phone
    enter code provided
    to get the p and W and + signs use the star key(*) by pressin it quickly and you'll get it

    please verify the code before enterin the last digit onto your phone

    please try the code only ONCE

    please reply and say if it works
  3. prophecie

    prophecie Member

    May 16, 2008
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    got code error
  4. skylinegt

    skylinegt Guest

    thanks for replying. my codes arent guaranteed to work but what i can do for u is give u some advice

    post your request at www.unlocknokia.us

    please use his format

    phone model:

    pleae also mention that u tried one code and got code error

    code error means that it is the wrong code a phone usually has 3-5 tries unlocking via codes and after that it becomes hard locked

    visit the site i gave u.. and post it there

    best of luck
    please reply and tell me if u got it unlocked there
  5. prophecie

    prophecie Member

    May 16, 2008
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    got a reply of "We're not unlocking anymore phones here. Site will be shut down this weekend."
  6. skylinegt

    skylinegt Guest

    ok i found it.

    do u want to know why they're doing this. Its becuase no one wants to give a donation, which is very bad of ppl. the website helps ppl unlock their phones and then ppl say "thanks in advance"

    Thanks in advance does not pay webhosting fees and as such that's why they're doing it

    ppl use the site thinking it's free. it is free all that they ask is a small donation of $5 american currency to help keep the site up. to pay web hosting fees.

    remember WE the ppl do this for FUN and we host a site to HELP others for FREE but u cant expect us to pay for a site that helps others, the users must help us keep the site for other ppl.

    think of it this way, u could either pay around $50-$60 dollars for someone to do it at a shop or at other sites online or you cud come here and get it done and give a donation to help us stay in business..

    i am sure u just wanted to get your code and be on your way and not give any regard to what happens to the site.

    please, a small donation IS REALLY NEEDED to keep this site up. If everyone is greedy and selfish then no one will be able to get help cause the site will be shut down due to lack of donations.

    if u feel that helping us with a donation is something u cannot do then please, DONT bother to unlock your phone here. take it to a professional and let them take your money, or better yet buy your own unlocking cable and do it yourself.

    this is a sad day in my life to know that THIS is what the world is coming to... a greedy selfish cold place with no regard to help someone else out of genuine care.


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