Hi, i want to unlock my nokia 6103b. Provider phone is lock to: Rogers Country Locked to: USA IMEI #:359372008310369 Make/Model : Nokia 6103b I tried entering a code and it says(Cannot undo restriction code) Help me PLEASE!! Thank you very much for your help. You can emai me at : orvilatkin@yahoo.com
Rogers is Canada. Hardlocked explained. "Phone restrictions off", it's unlocked. "Error code" wrong code. "Not allowed" or "Can Not Undo Restriction" or sometimes, simply "Phone Restricted" it's hard locked. Used up all your free tries!! You only get three to five FREE tries. If your phone is hardlocked, it means that you will not be able to unlock it with a code. Your phone WILL still work with the Service you have now. It will work. If you want to unlock it after it is hardlocked, you will need to take or send it to a professional unlocker. It requires expensive Hardware and Software. You will NOT break your phone. J