OK, good test!!! My crystal ball is busted. 6620? Where? [bold]Please supply ALL this information in this format:[/bold] Type in these numbers or look under the battery to get the information. Age of Phone: IMEI: Type (dial) *#06# , Firmware Version: Type (dial) *#0000# . Nokia: (Model) IMEI:############### [bold](No spaces, no slashes)[/bold] Network: (The Network the phone is locked to) Country: (The Country the above Network is in) [bold]Also any codes tried.[/bold] JG
Thanx for your reply I have not tried any codes Age 25-11-04 IMEI# 353755000952566 Model # 6620 v4.22.1 Type NHL-12 code: 0513922/020525TA Rogers Canada I have tried this code and it shows code error CODES: #pw+6754286267 +1# Waiting for your reply Thanx Amna
[bold]#pw+004623524173612+7#[/bold] Your code:Try this ONCE and ONCE only. Remember, you only get 3 to 5 tries. [bold]If you enter the same code two times[/bold], that is [bold]two tries.[/bold] To enter code: Make sure battery is charged. Remove SIM first. Power on. Ignore “Insert SIM” Press the # key. then press the "star" key (*) quickly to get the P and W and + Press * 3 times quickly for (p) \ Press * 4 times quickly for (w) IMPORTANT Press * 2 times quickly for (+) / and the rest of the code--- Begin with # and end with #. IMPORTANT!! Verify code before pressing the last #. Pay attention. You only have about two seconds. [bold] If the code just stays on the screen, tell me.[/bold] "Phone restrictions off", it's unlocked. "Error code" wrong code. STOP tell me. "Not allowed" or "Can Not Undo Restriction" it's hard locked. Used up all your free tries!! If it does not work, tell me: What happened? What message you got. What codes you tried. Above all, answer. JG
Thanks for helping. I have done exactly as you said and after entering the code it says insert SIM card. I got 7 codes and have tried 3 of them.
That is not the message I'm looking for. After you enter the code what is the message? "Phone restrictions off", it's unlocked. "Error code" wrong code. STOP tell me. "Not allowed" or "Can Not Undo Restriction" it's hard locked. Used up all your free tries!! J
Your code:Try this ONCE and ONCE only. Remember,you only get 3 to 5 tries. [bold]If you enter the same code two times,[/bold] that is [bold]two tries.[/bold] To enter code: Make sure battery is charged. Put in a SIM from a new Network. A new one or one with NO security PINs enabled. Power on. Select UNDO with NEW SIM in phone. Press the # key. then press the "star" key (*) quickly to get the P and W and + Press * 3 times quickly for (p) \ Press * 4 times quickly for (w) IMPORTANT Press * 2 times quickly for (+) / and the rest of the code--- Begin with # and end with #. No spaces. Select OK "Phone restrictions off", it's unlocked. "Error code" wrong code. STOP tell me. "Not allowed" or "Can Not Undo Restriction" it is hard locked. Used up all your free tries!! If it does not work, tell me: What happened? What message you got. What codes you tried. Above all, answer. JG
You are not looking. The fourth Post in this thread has a code. If you do not want to read what I send you, it would be better to take the phone to a Pro. J
Sorry J,dont be mad, I really appreciate your help. I tried that code and that prompted me to insert the sim card. I thought you have sent a new code. I'll try to find a sim with a net work different than rogers bcoz I have all 3 from rogers at home. Thanks for your help and as soon as I find that , I'll let u know.
with only one it gave me the error code message and with the rest of the 2 asked me to insert the SIM and same with your code that has + 7 in it. Never ever got any of other messages like can not do unlock or restriction off.
Did you do this? To enter code: Make sure battery is charged. Remove SIM first. Power on. [bold]Ignore “Insert SIM” [/bold] Press the # key. then press the "star" key (*) quickly to get the P and W and + Press * 3 times quickly for (p) \ Press * 4 times quickly for (w) IMPORTANT Press * 2 times quickly for (+) / and the rest of the code--- Begin with # and end with #.