Unlock Nokia T-Mobile 6030 b

Discussion in 'Nokia - Unlocking' started by catrung87, May 19, 2008.

  1. catrung87

    catrung87 Member

    May 19, 2008
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    Please help me to unlock the following Nokia Model along with its spec.


    Make/model phone: Nokia 6030 b
    IMEI #: 010712000764983
    Country the phone is locked in: USA
    Provider the phone is locked to: Cingular
    Provider I want to use: T-Mobile USA

    Nokia 6030b
  2. skylinegt

    skylinegt Guest

    try this codes


    i gave u 3 codes that may work try them in that order
    remove simm card and power on phone use the star key (*) to get the p and w and + signs by pressin star quickly

    please verify the code before u enter the last digit

    please eply and say if it works
  3. catrung87

    catrung87 Member

    May 19, 2008
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    Thank for your reply. The codes are correct but I have tried so many times. I think its in the hardlocked state now. I have to unlock my Nokia by using expensive unlocking cable.

    My question now is: is it worth it to buy those equipment to unlock one phone or I can also use it to unlock future phones.

    Thank so much

  4. skylinegt

    skylinegt Guest

    sorry to hear that u accidentally hard locked ur phone....

    what u can do is lok through ur local phone book and see if there are any cell repair shops that offer unlocking services...they usually charge about $20 to do it.

    u may purchase an unlocking cable and do it urself but be sure that u get the cable with more than one attachments....in other words the ability to unlock more than one model of nokia phone..

    cables usually cost about $100 but i recommend this becuase u can unlock ur friends phones and let them pay u $10 instead of going to an unlocking shop and payin $20 and if u have 20 friends who each pay u $10 to unlock their phone u will get back the money u put out to buy the cable plus som extras......which is good....
    and as an added bonus if u ever get tired of using it to unlock phones u can always sell it back here or on e bay..

    and no sorry the codes i provided only work with ur mobile phone it is based on your IMEI and each phone has a different IMEI so the codes wont work for anyother phone

  5. catrung87

    catrung87 Member

    May 19, 2008
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    The information gave me is very userful. Buying the cable would also give me some hand-on experience on unlocking Nokia phones.

    Thank very much my friend.

  6. skylinegt

    skylinegt Guest

    sure if u need any more advice let me know.
    remember to read instructions that come with cable and software also some really small allenkeys u need...small sizes preferably craftsman brand...they last really loong& they dont break

    u need allenkeys in case u need to make repairs to phones example to change screens i recommend that u buy tha now cause once u start unlocking phones you'ss see how easy it is to do repairs youself..

    good luck

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