hi i bought mi phone in mexico and i cant use it because i dont live in mexico and i bought a new SIM and on the screen it says invalid SIM can anyone help me by telling me how i can unlock this phone? THNX SEBASTIAN
If youre a phone freak and you know how to unlock a phone or you don't mind looking for a ittle tutorial online, then buy one of the products here http://www.fonefunshop.co.uk/Unlocking/sony.htm .If not then you might as well send it to one of those people who unlock it for you. I wouldn't recommend doing that especially if the person doing it is in another state or country.
[bold]Hello People[/bold] I can unlock almost any phone except Nokia 6630 and 6680. Contact me at unlockadmin@gmail.com for more information.
Go to ebay and get this unlocking kit, its like 25$ in the US, but can be shipped international i think. I did and it worked. I bought only the cable cause i had a credit from unlockitnow. http://cgi.ebay.com/Sony-Ericsson-U...ryZ43312QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem