Try changing your resoultion levels - can't hurt - "P" (If you have XP OS, use your System Restore function )
tried the system restore and resolution level change but neither worked. it's weird now because my original dvd's are occasionally loading fine and other times not loading at all and i receive the previously stated error message.
my ritek dvd-r's are on order (at your suggestion), but i did burn my first dvd with a maxell dvd-r that i already had on hand. i'm not sure if you'd consider this an "el cheapo" - it cost more than the ritek's. nevertheless, would using a maxell dvd-r actually make my original dvd's not play properly as they currently are doing?
When I say "elCheapo" I refer to quality not to cost. If you shop around you can get "Branded" Ritek G04's and Verbatim many times cheaper than what "Sony" or the like is selling for. Look around, you'll be surprised - As far as Maxell, I use them myself for Data and program backups. Yes, I have used them rarely to backup DVD's and they burned well - it's a case of trusting them to burn ALL THE TIME and trusting their lifespan - And about that time thing - One thing I haven't addressed is the life of a backup made on an "el cheapo" disc. Point of fact, inferior discs have a tendency to "Break down" in time. Important, please read - I have had 25 to 30 backups that have refused to play after being stored for a year or more. I test all of my backups when they are burnt to be totally sure that there are no problems. "In olden times," before I knew any better, the Maxell and TDK discs (and any thing that was on sale) was what I used to use before I switched to Ritek and Verbatim, it is the cheap stuff that I have been experiencing trouble with. I noticed that backup DVD's I had been using refused to play in my standalone player and on my PC. VOB files wouldn't play either and other discs that I backed up about the same time would "Jam" part way through the movie. After switching to Verbatim and Ritek s, mostly the Ritek's because the price was right, I've not had 1 go "Flat" in almost 2 years. I still have some backups done on the cheap stuff and as time wears on I lose a few more as I attempt to check them. I say to you, why did a backup play fine in "01"and "02" then "fail" in "03 ?? Some that were done in "01" never made it till "02" and others done about the same time and "Failed" in "04"? All of the backups from "02" and "03", done on the "good Stuff" work fine today - not a single failure ! As always, you have a choice - Cheers, Pete
well pete. my ritek dvd-r's have arrived (yipee!) and not too surprisingly, i'm having trouble burning one of my movies. i've followed your process for downloading the movie to my hd using dvd shrink. when i attempt to burn the movie to disc i receive the error message "i/o error ; scsistatus:0x02; no more track reservations allowed". any ideas. thanks x 1,000,000 for your help...
In addition to the error message i recently posted, i am also receiving this one upon attempting to burn the dvd in decrypter: deviceiocontrol (fcstl_lock_volume) failed unable to lock volume for exclusive access reason: access is denied anyone familiar with this error? thx
Well bryank I went back and re-read the entire thread - The following have been suggested with no mentioned from you that you did them or what happened when you did them. 1. A firmware upgrade. Where did you get it ? what # was it ? 2. Uninstalling your drive. 3. Changing your interface in DVD Decrypter. 4. Do you have any InCD components on your system ? NEW QUESTIONS: 1. What OS do you have ? 2. Do you have any Roxio components on your system ? For what purpose were you using Smartripper ? We need the answers to these questions - Pete
ok. i have not made a firmware upgrade because i thought it was an "or" situation with upgrading the media. i chose to get the ritek discs instead of the firmware upgrade (i was hesitant with this because of all the warning notations about downloading these upgrades). i did not previously change the interface in dvd decrypter. i left it on "spti - xp" because that appeared to be the one with direct "xp" notation (my os is xp home ed.). should i try the setting of "aspi"? i did uninstall my dvd drive. i do not have incd or roxio components on my computer. however, i do have intervideo windvd creator 2 on my system.
Bryank, OK, now - 1. You need to get a firmware upgrade. It is to correct faults they have found since they put the drive out AND to allow your burner to recognize more DVD discs, perhaps some that were not made when your burner was produced. It’s not an either or choice - Having no idea what burner you have you’ll have to find it yourself - Caution: Use only the firmware for your burner. Using another burner’s firmware will fry your drive. 2. Leave the setting on DVD Decrypter alone it’s the correct one. 3. For your Intervideo Windvd Creator 2, go to msconfig and “un-tick” it. There’s no reason it needs to startup when you boot your PC up. Remember to reboot after your done with the startup folder. 4. SmartRipper isn’t a good choice to rip and burn DVDs. You’re better off using DVD Shrink to rip and compress (another thing SmartRipper cannot do and the vast majority of your DVD’s will require) then use either DVD Decrypter or Nero to burn “Automatically” to disc. Let’s get you started with that and your burning days aren’t that far off ) Off ya go now and let me know how you make out - Pete
Thanks for the response Pete. I checked the firmware link you noted and also went to the pioneer website (i have a pioneer dvr-k12d). i ran a scan through the website and it stated that my dvd drive is the latest version and has no updates or new firmware available. from your perspective, how does this affect things? i've kept my dvd decrypter settings the same as you mentioned. i've uninstalled intervideo windvd creator as i really have no use for it at this time. lastly, i used smartripper in the beginning but am not attempting to use it anymore - i've been sticking with dvd decrypter and dvd shrink as you've recommended. thoughts now that it looks like firmware upgrade is not available?
Alright, I’ve re-read the thread and I see that at one point you were able to burn the files on your HD to disc it was just that the movie started to “Freeze ½ of the way through - is that accurate ? It seems that is the only thing the drive has ever done - I say this because I’m wondering is the drive was installed correctly. Is that your only drive? Is it set on Master ? Have you played DVD’s on it ? Burned CD’s on it ? We’re going to go back to the beginning - My guides are perfect, your media is right, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be burning like a “Bad Boy” ! Let’s go over my questions and see where we are - “P”
well pete, i have succeeded in burning a few dvd's. i still receive the same "locking volume control" error message i previously mentioned, but found that if i restart my computer i can burn the dvd without the error message appearing. weird. with regard to my dvd that froze halfway through the movie, it still does. actually, the copy and original won't play anymore. i even rented the same dvd movie and had the same problem with that one. the only difference i can see is that an Flash Macromedia 5 icon appears at my lower toolbar upon loading the discs. when i right click on it, it does not give me the option of closing it. now with regard to your questions, i have only one drive, have not burned any cd's, and have watched numerous dvd's successfully (with the exception of the previously noted one). i'm not sure about a "master" setting. any thoughts on this one dvd (a newer release) not playing suddenly? the needing to restart to actually burn without error messages?
I'm running out of freah ideas, Nephilim, fasfrank, ya wanna take a crack ?? I'll sit by and watch the other "good Guys" take a wack - "P"
I skimmed this thread and one thing that pops into mind may be a bad or outdated ASPI install. A bad ASPI is the root of much evil! bryank, ASPI is the interface between your drives and the rest of your system which means it's a very important part of the burning equation. ForceASPI 1.7 will install ver. 4.60 on your system and is generally regarded as the most stable and compatible version. Here's what to do: Download and extract ForceASPI 1.7. Once you've extracted it, there should be a batch file in there named KILLASPI. Run it then reboot. This will wipe your existing ASPI entirely. Now go to the same folder and find INSTASPI. Run that then reboot. This will install ver. 4.60. Now you can use ASPICHK to verify the install. All four entries should read ver. 4.60. Hopefully this will help _X_X_X_X_X_[small] JMLS-166S/Plextor PX-708A/Plextor Premium[/small]
i successfully intalled the aspi 1.7 as you instructed. i'm still getting the "volume lock" error message, but more importantly, i'm now getting an "I/O error" message about 20 seconds into the burning. A second error message also states "failed to reserve track. no more track reservations allowed". i'm not worried about the volume lock error so much (since the dvd's seem to turn out okay as i mentioned in my previous reply), but any ideas regarding the I/O error? think i should reinstall the aspi 1.8 (which i had previously) instead of the aspi 1.7?
lol once again scuba u the man! enjoyed the scuba pete show. oh and btw the aspi theory sounds pretty solid. I had a spot of bother with that too. _X_X_X_X_X_[small]1.4 Mhz AMD, 512 Mb RAM, 120 Gb HD,WinFast 2000 XP Expert Video Card, DVD X-Copy Platinum, TMPGEnc Plus, TMPGEnc DVD Author, DVD decrypter, DVD2One130, Cucusoft AVI to DVD converter, DVD Shrink WinDVD Recorder 5,Nero 6 and Mainconcept MPEG encoder[/small]
Hi guys, This seems to be a little problem with Shrink? I think. Here, read this: I didn't spend a lot of time looking at this but it is related to to the volume lock, I/O stuff you folks are discussing. Cheers, Frank
thanks fasfrank for passing along that forum thread. the new problem i have with the "I/O error. Failed to reserve track" is my greateest concern because each time i make changes to fix the problem i end up wasting a dvd-r (because the error message comes up about a half minute into the burn). i've tried reinstalling the forceaspi 1.8 i had been using previously, but now i cannot get it to install properly: ASPI32.SYS 4.71.2 WOWPOST.EXE NOT INSTALLED WINASPI.DLL NOT INSTALLED WNASPI32.DLL 4.71.2 Again, this I/O error first occured once i installed forceaspi 1.7 (version 4.6). ideas?