hey i have a nokia 2600b in argentina MOVISTAR network 010837000804677 any help will be very much appreciated thanks omero
#pw+155364771230356+7# Your code:Try this ONCE and ONCE only. Remember, you only get 3 to 5 tries. [bold]If you enter the same code two times[/bold], that is [bold]two tries.[/bold] To enter code: Make sure battery is charged. Remove sim first. Power on. Ignore “Insert SIM” Press the # key. then press the "star" key (*) quickly to get the P and W and + Press * 3 times quickly for (p) \ Press * 4 times quickly for (w) IMPORTANT Press * 2 times quickly for (+) / and the rest of the code--- Begin with # and end with #. IMPORTANT!! Verify code before pressing the last #. Pay attention. You only have about two seconds. "Phone restrictions off", it's unlocked. "Error code" wrong code. STOP tell me. "Not allowed" or "Can Not Undo Restriction" it's hard locked. Used up all your free tries!! If it does not work, tell me: What happened? What message you got. What codes you tried. Above all, answer. JG
thanks for your help but after putting the code it tells me that SIM CARD REGISTRATION FAILED with any SIM card i put so i dont have any reception even with my original card any help would be very appreciated
How to Check If Your Phone is Blacklisted!! Different networks blacklist handsets in different ways: You could make a call to the Service Provider. It could be reported stollen. Nothing more to do. How to Check If Your Phone is Blacklisted!! Different networks blacklist handsets in different ways: Orange & O2: If you place an active orange or O2 sim into a blacklisted handset you phone will not show any signal strength at all! If the handset is a Nokia then a "SIM card registration failed" message will also be displayed. If your handset is an Ericsson then an "Invalid Mobile" message will be displayed. For most other manufacturers the handset will simply show no signal! Vodafone & T-Mobile If you place an active Vodafone or T-Mobile sim into a blacklisted handset, the phone will appear to function perfectly UNTIL you try to make an outgoing call. When you try to call out from the handset you will hear a sequence of beeps and then the call will be dropped!!
ok so my phone has been blacklisted by O2 or Orange it hadnt been reported stolen cause it is my phone so what can i do now
No. If the phone is from Movistar,Argentina, it is blacklisted by Movistar. If you had no signal with a Movistar SIM, and you received the Message "SIM card registration failed", you need to call Movistar. Make a call to Movistar. Go from there. You will need to prove that it is your phone. perdonas me JG