Unlocking nokia 6111

Discussion in 'Nokia - Unlocking' started by teribob, May 31, 2008.

  1. teribob

    teribob Guest

    hey can someone help me unlock my nokia 6111 from orange to vodafone.the iemi is 359774009759140
  2. skylinegt

    skylinegt Guest

    i assumed u are in the U.K cause those 2 compnies are most requested from the u.k and generated codes based on that country.

    if the phone isnt from the U.K please do not try these codes
    see the last part about format

    try this code


    i gave u 2 codes...though u only need one

    how to use

    remove simm card and power on phone
    enter code provided
    use the star key(*) to get the p andw and + signs by pressin it quickly

    please only try ONCE if u get ERROR STOP come back and tell me

    please verify the code on your phone before entering the last digit onto your phone

    please reply and say if it works

    for future reference the format is as follows

    Phone model:
    network: network in country it is locked to


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