When i boot my xbox i get an error screen but how do i know when it is unlocked? how do i know when to pull out IDE cable?
trying to put in new HD i dont understand the hotswapping tuts at all. Am i hooking up the new or old xbox HD to the xbox im confused what is the first couple steps what gets hooked up to comp? when i pause the PC startup and take out the xbox hd (new one) and put it in comp under primary master...It will load xboxhdm...then when i want to hit 1 it will say link down at the bottom is it still loading?...i think i got farther than that then it said there was no drive...i dont know what is going on i know the cd is correct. help!
So you have modchip. try to read here http://xguides.xbox-scene.com/tikiwiki/tiki-index.php?page=XBOXHDM+for+dummies
ok i got it locked with Xboxhdm...but then the hd was empty bc it was locked in the first place so i had to unlock its installing my E drive with my apps so i think it will be a while its already been like 5 minutes but i have some huge applications on there..but the cd drive light is on so its reading data so i know its not frozen (the program) all done now lets see if it locks it did!...it loaded the ms dash i must of copied over the first backup not my modded backup!..hha so now im installing mod with 007..keep updated!