Hey guys, I ran into a problem I've never sen before, my grandma's PC is giving her a blue screen and reading unmountable_boot_device as a message. It's an old Compaq using XP on it. Is there a fix to this and if so what is it. Furthermore what caused it? Thanks fellas
unmountable boot error is when your boot.ini file is corrupted this is the main language to boot windows os could be due to a virus or not either way here is soulution You can boot to the XP cd and when you see the Welcome to setup press the letter R You will get a dos prompt Then type "chkdsk /p" without the quotes and hit enter When that is done type "fixboot" and hit enter "Y" and enter at the prompt Then type "exit" and hit enter The system will now reboot into Windows If for some reason that don't work for you, you can boot to the recovery console like above and... Type "chkdsk /r" then enter When done type "exit" and hit enter. This will take longer, but the system should boot back into Windows