Hi there I am a regular reader of this site but I ain't logged in in quite a while and have forgot My log in do re registered I am hoping someone can help Me ...... My fathers PC Had an issue wednesday and froze with nothing running in the Applications window of Windows Taskmanager so eventually had to refuse power to the pc upon reboot everything appeared to be fine until a blue screen appeared when at the very top it states Unmountable_boot_drive with this underneath if it helps ......OX OOOOOOED ( O8X2BD1900, OXCOOOOO32, OXOOOOOOOO, OXOOOOOOOO) had a little fiddle with it to no avail .... tryed rebooting from the xpboot up/re install cd upon when the win set up window comes up press R dos prompt comes up type chkdsk /p when done fixboot enter y enter exit enter unfortunately I could not get it to respond when I tryed to press R nothing at all only c d or enter were options and it would not respond to the trying to type the letter R can anyone assist Me in anyway I can re install and stuff but would have to copy his documents of his HD first whicvh I dont mind but its an inconveniece ~lol~ thanxs for anyone who reads and or trys to help I will try anything
You could try booting in Safe Mode, but it doesn't sound good. Fixboot has helped me out more than one time, but if the XP repair doesn't see your hard drive, that is a bad sign.