Unrestrict / unlock code Nokia 3200

Discussion in 'Nokia - Unlocking' started by menyo, May 28, 2008.

  1. menyo

    menyo Guest

    Hi, Does anyone know of any code that will unrestrict my phone? It would really be appreciated, thanks

    Make/model phone: Nokia 3200
    IMEI #: 353788002114117
    Country the phone is locked in: Australia
    Provider the phone is locked to: Optus
  2. skylinegt

    skylinegt Guest

    nice phone dude..
    ok before i giv u the code look under the battery of the phone and look at the model number and make sure it says nokia 3200 and NOT nokia 3200b....if it says nokia 3200b then the code WONT WORK.

    try this code


    how to use
    remove simm card and power on phone
    enter the code provided use the star key(*) to get the p and w and + signs by pressing it quickly and you'll get it

    please only try once..if it says code error it didnt work..come back and tell me

    please verify the code before enterin the last digit into ur phone

    please reply and say if it works
  3. menyo

    menyo Guest

    Thank you very much, It worked. You saved my phone from ebay
  4. skylinegt

    skylinegt Guest

    lol.....e bay...lol

    glad i can help..please remember to close ur post as ur problem is now solved :)

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