I am having a problem converting a file. I thought the file was already converted to the appropriate MPEG format but apparently is was not. When I placed it in the TMPGE Author I got the following message.. *This is an illegal video file This is an illegal video file. For DVD-Video you can only use the following video formats: MPEG-1 Video, MPEG-2 Video Then I thought it need to me converted so I tried in TMPGEnc and I got the following message... File can not open or is unsupported. I am trying to convert to Mpeg-2 for DVD burning. I play it in Windows media player fine and when i look at the details is says it is a mpeg file. Does anyone know what the problem could be??? thanks
any help here??? I am hoping somoene could help out who is more familiar with this that myself. thanks
ye dont use tmpeg,you can click on help at the top and it tells you what bit rate frame rate you have to convert the file to first. I think there is a bout 4 settings, once you have converted it to one of these you are free to use the rest of the tmpeg programes.
Not exactly sure what you arr talking about. I do notice that the file is not 720 X 480. Instead, it is 352 X 480. Maybe that is the problem. The weird thing is that the video is smaller than usual and it won't let me resize it in the window. It's almost like the black surrounding it is part of the video file for some reason. C