Hi all, I have a slight problem if anyone can help? 3 icons are after appearing on my desktop and I cant remove them. They show up as "cacx2n2r", "caqvslk9" and "cakt41v8". When I try delete them is says " cant read source file or disk" and it wont even let me move them into a folder to hide them! I'm just after installing norton on my pc and after a full system scan, these show up. Any suggestions on how to remove these? Thanks in advance.
get and try this program,counterspy to remove as it might be adware,its a little better then spysweeper.. Spyware and adware invades your PC without your knowledge or permission! its worth a try..as those files have nothing to do with norton. http://www.sunbelt-software.com/CounterSpy.cfm
Hi all, Yeah I tried in safe mode but still the same, It's sayin "cannot read file source", It's just like a shortcut with no file or purpose to it. Any other suggestions?
Try using msconfig > startup programs , disable them (if there) then it wont be write protected or unable to remove because they might have had something to do with an uninstall of a proggy that used to start up with windows , ie adware progs hope to have been of some help mark
also try opening taskmanager and killing any processes that u dont recognize then hurry up and try and delete before it starts back up . another trick ive done is restart your pc and as soon as u can see the desktop try and delete real fast sometimes if your fast enough u can delete them before they start there process. i no this sounds funny but i have had luck doing this.a while ago i had two xtra ie prosses running and when i would try to kill them in taskman or disable in msconfig they would keep restarting so i finally found the file those exe's were hiding in and i restarted and ran like hell to delete that folder before they had a chance to load and it worked.i tryed every prog to get rid of em ccleaner avg adaware mcafee and the list goes on the exe names were gluevga.exe and greatheart.exe those two were a sob to get rid . like i said i ran like hell and deleted them before they started and it worked . after your done laughing at me try it - but you got to be lightening fast as soon as you see your desk top have that mouse ready . i hope maybe this will work othewrwise keep picking other peoples brains yull have your probs fixed before to long hang in there.
Hi, thanks 4 your reply. These are not programmes at all. These are just empty icons. Don't know how they got there though. When I click on them and go to properties it say 0 for the file size!! They are just empty icons that wont budge because the system can't read where they're coming from. I prob deleted the source of where ever they came from and now the pc can't remove the icons. Any suggestions??
Here's a nifty lil program that will get rid of almost all unwanted things you may have on your PC. It's free and was done by a friend << smiles>> http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/files/killbox.php just slide those icons in and hit the KILL button
Hi, thanks very much for the reply and that seems like a very useful tool, but when I use it, it say's, " that file does not seem to exsist", so back to where I started, I seem to have deleted the source but now I can't remove the icon! Once again, very good tool and I'd say I will be using it in the future, thanks 4 the info!!
when u right click that icon on your desktop does it give u the option to delete . if it does ---- when u try and delete it does a window pop up and something like this file is in use or write protected ? what exactly does it say . and does it give u the option to delete. one more thing if you can tell us what prog those icons belong to some of the people here might can offer u more insite on this
@sandisk ---- Stubborn things sometimes can be removed by relocating them -- Try this :- -create a folder on your desktop i.e. New Folder -Open it so you can still see the icons on your desk -Click and hold them critters and slide them in that folder. - now start that Killbox and tick delete next reboot , and click and hold that folder and slide it in the top window of Killbox -Let it reboot and see if they have gone Let me know !
To be quite honest, I don't know what programme they're from. I done a full system scan with norton goin back a few weeks and when the scan was finished, these appeared on my desk top! I tried making the new folder and moving in as Jeanc1 suggested but it won't let me move the icons in. Once again it say's " unable to move file or folder, cannot read from the source file or disk". When I right click on an icon, it has all the same values as a proper file but when I try delete, I just get the error message.
in your very first post you say ""They show up as "cacx2n2r", "caqvslk9" and "cakt41v8" "" Can you run Regedit -- Find ? Type in the name of the first one [bold]cacx2n2r[/bold] and tick Match whole string only then click Find Next ! See if they show up in the Registry --- if you get an answer, delete the entry -- and continue to Find Next till it says Finished searching the Registry. If you find them in the Registry ; and you delete the entry , it should free them so you can slap them a few times before ditching them !! <<Smiles>> now am just as puzzled as you are -- but there's got to be an answer somewhere !
try what i said the first time . reboot and as soon as you see your desktop try right click and delete or grab them and try to drop them in the trash can . i have had luck with this method you just have to be quick before the systems recongizes what they are.
Hi again, just tried what you suggested first tbiggs and still no joy! So the I tried "find" in the regedit and it searched through and returned with "finished search of registry", and still no luck. It has me puzzeled as hell, there has to be a way of removing these damn things. Have to say they don't look good at all on the desk top!
One last way of getting rid of them critters is thru your DOS CMD -- Are you familiar at all with DOS ? If not here's what you can do :- Go Start - Run- Type in [bold]CMD[/bold] and OK to open your DOS Window. Next Type [bold]DIR[/bold] and <enter> you will see what is on your Main Drive C: One of the Directory will be Desktop that is where your icons are you said -- so lets go there by typing [bold]CD Desktop[/bold] and <enter> , you will see whatever is on your desktop -- let's hope you see those critters now listed. To delete them -- do this :- Type : [bold]Del/a cacx2n2r.*[/bold] and <enter> next one is: [bold]Del/a caqvslk9.*[/bold] and <enter> and last is: [bold]Del/a cakt41v8.*[/bold] and <enter> Now type [bold]Exit[/bold] and <enter> You are done. Note.:- You can copy/paste what is in bold letters then click the <enter> key from your DOS window. Gawd I hope this does it for you ! Have a Good New Year Edited for typo. GGGGrrrrrr !
Hi, and once again thanks for your reply. Yeah I did as you said and..........YES it worked, I'm not really familiar with that part of my pc so basically I just copied and pasted as you suggested and now them damn things are gone. Brilliant!!! Thanks 4 all your help and have a happy new year ;o)
Laughing --- !! That was my last resort ! I have been thinking at night about your critters -- My husband was wondering what I had in mind .. Hahahahahaha! Glad I finally got you off the hook ! Have a Great New Year .. you and your Family !
Lol, yeah I thought I had them things on my desktop for good so thanks again and have a brill new year ;-) Oh and sorry if my problem with these "unwanted icons" caused yourself any stress at night and I hope it didn't put ypur husband out either, you know what I mean lol ;o] Thanks.