this maybe a stupid question, but i figured i'd ask anyway, so please be gentle... If i were to buy an upconverting dvd player (or hd/blueray player), would it upconvert (at all) a backup dvd? i know they supposedly crisp up the pictures of regular original dvds, but was wondering if they did the same for backup dvds as well (not matter how minute the difference). i realize backup dvds are compressed to fit on a single dvd, but wasnt sure if it would help a little or not at all. thanks for the help in advance!
Rotary is absolutely correct, while the upconversion process does improve the picture,the question remains, will you be able to see the difference, and is the the difference significant.
Speaking for myself the answer is a definate yes and yes.I can notice a huge improvment with my backup copies upconverted up to 1080i.From 1080i to 1080p i dont notice any diference though. Im using the following connected through HDMI cable. 1)DVDplayer-Philips DVP-5982 upconvert HDMI 1080p Divx/DVD Player with USB.(I liked these so well i bought 3 more on black friday for 49.00 each) 2)LCD TV-SAMSUNG LNT4065 40" LCD 1080P HDTV