That's really odd. I used that same program to check my drive, and it actually lists my drives, by name, not just the generic label that you're getting. I'm wondering if your drive might not be correctly jumpered so it's not being recognized by the system properly (you should definitely be seeing what brand your drive is, for instance. Mine shows both my Lite-On and Benq Drives. Here's a screenshot of what mine looks like: As you can see, it's specifically calling out my drives. I think you perhaps didn't jumper the drive properly, or maybe got your IDE cable reversed.
What do you mean by jumpered incorectly? Is that the master, slave thing? And with the ide cable reversed, would that mean that I plugged one of the cables thats meant for the bottom drive into my top drive. Also, it burns movies fine so...
Hey guys where'd u get the firmware update for the DW1655? Nevermind...found out I have the latest firmware =)
Jasper44, Have a look at this: It doesn't list the drive as "BENQ DVD LS DW1655" until after BCDB fw update.
Hi, Your drive Jasper44 is using what they call third party f/w. It's restricted in the functions area. The drive description is correct. Nothing to do with jumpers etc. You need to 'crossflash' from GC** series f/w to BC** series. The link above gives you a similar case. For flashing info go direct to this link. After crossflash your drive will then read BenQ DVD LS DW1655 BCDB.
I have 3 of the IO/Magic 1655 rebades and they all show up exactly like that.I did what zebadee said and now there true Ben-Q DW-1655's.I used the BQFlasher found at cdfreaks.
@jasper44: Hey, sorry about that! I was making an assumption, which turned out to be incorrect, because my drive was already flashed with the latest firmware. I just assumed that since both my drives actually showed up with their names, that yours should, too. Sorry if I made you do any extra work you didn't need to do. At least I didn't phrase it like I knew for certain that was your problem! I'm glad you got your drive updated. The firmware you're using now has worked great for me.