Here's the thing, I have so many videos on my computer that I want to delete them off my computer to free up some space. If I put my videos and all my songs on my iPod Video and delete the videos off my computer. When I go to update my iPod again after the videos are gone off my computer will they be erased from my iPod and only the songs will be copied onto it? I dont know how well I explained this so if you don't understand then just tell me - andersg
If the files are on your ipod you can delete them from your HDD and they will stay on your ipod as long as you don't delete them from within itunes. Doing so causes them to be removed from your ipod as well. I've done the same with several movies. Once they're on my ipod I delete them from my comp... never had a problem yet.
That what I wanted to hear. I figured once I delete them off my computer they would no longer transfer to the iPod because I wouldnt be able to keep them in iTunes. You're saying that even after i delete the movies of my Computer that I can keep them in iTunes and keep them on my iPod every time I update it?
Yes, Thats what I'm saying. Again, Just don't delete them from within itunes or remove them from itunes in anyway. Delete them from the HDD only and your good to go.