Here is my motherboard specs: (BTW My GFX card is an inbuilt one (lol). I am asking if I have a good enough motherboard (I know it's pretty s**t but all I got atm) to Add an: External firewire HDD (USB 2.0) A 512MB 2100 DDR 266 Mhz stick of RAM RADEON 9600 TI GFX card If you need any more specs on my PC just post it down below and I can show you another screenie.
For a new graphics board you will need an empty AGP slot on your mobo. More memory is always good :^) An external HD will be either USB2 or 1394 (firewire) - they are competing connection standards. I would be surprised if your rig has a firewire controller. Increase the RAM and keep the OS tight, then just use it - try not to put a lot of money into PCs that are older but still run good. An external HD is a nice 'toy' (and WTF, you can hook it up to any rig) but will not replace a nice solid inexpensive C: drive containing your OS. Many people are unaware how inexpensive an 80GB drive w/ 8MB cache is. This should be the minimum-spec in any PC these days... L8R
what speed is the cpu as you might be using sdram & not ddr ram. if possible open your computer to see what ram you have, ddr socket will have a notch off center & sdram will have 2 notches. look at your motherboard for a brown slot about same length as the white pci slots but is set back from back of case further than the pci slots. that brown slot is your agp slot
Welp.. As being as inexperienced as I am.. I need y'all to look at this picture of my mobo and tell me if I got an AGP slot...
pretty grainy shot. does that slot by the ram have a tab pointing toward the front of the case?? what is the make & model of your motherboard??
The front of the case is the Western side (<) of the picture.. I know it's a sketchy pic it was taken on my webcam...
What is the model of your Dell pc? What is the model of your Dell pc? What is the model of your Dell pc? What is the model of your Dell pc?
It's an Optiplex GX270 Anyway I'm pretty sure I don't have a darn AGP slot.. I've decided to make my own PC from scratch.
Cill, do you have a small desktop computer or a mini tower? According to documentation you do have an AGP slot. If you have a small desktop computer, your board looks like this. #9 is your AGP slot. If you have a small mini tower, your board looks like this. #10 is your AGP slot.
Yeh I can see the green slot.. But still I don't know the Card will fit in there.. I know you insert the gold side but how would I add the cables too it and be able to close the box?
WTF??? huh? wha happen? You know the video connectors go out? what cables? the only thing you might have to do is plug in a molex (power) What video card are you planning on installing?