Hey again. I am considering buying a 120GB hdd for my xbox. I'm sure it's a 1.3 xbox and I have done a TSOP flash to it. I think the bios is EVOX M7. I thought I read somewhere that the original 8GB drive in the xbox was a 5400rpm and I saw a Maxtor 120GB drive that was 7200rpm. Is putting in a 7200rpm drive going to fry the xbox?
No the Xbox can handle a 7200rpm drive, as well as a ultra 100 IDE cable. It WILL NOT FRY your system, both of these ( 7200rpm and ultra 100 cable ) will speed up your xbox noticably.
btw the TSOP flash is a little risky, something could go wrong and you would have all sorts of problems. I would recommend a modchip over TSOP flash.