Upgrading HDD on softmodded box

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by Goatdog, Jul 10, 2006.

  1. Goatdog

    Goatdog Member

    Jun 14, 2006
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    As I stated before, I am planning on upgrading my hdd. The first thing I did was read, read, read, and then I read some more. I checked out the hdd compatability list, and then went shopping. I ended up getting a 320gb EIDE WD. I read quite a few tutorials on how to format and install it. I decided on the one that used XBHDM. I downloaded v 1.9 and then after all of that stuff I clicked on make-iso-win and got my linux.iso. I was then told to burn it using nero. Either way... I am not sure if I set my cables wrong or if I burnt it wrong. The point is, I cannot get to the xbhdm menu. The only thing I have gotten to come up is "Caldera Dr. Dos" and I assume that is wrong. I am a noob to the cables and such, so I am not too sure if I have it right. I was told that I should have my new blank pc hdd on primary master, and the cd-rom on secondary master. Some have said it does not matter which cables they are on, some say it does. Anyways, is there anyone who can help me find out my problem of not getting to the xbhdm menu??
    Thanks in advance!
  2. theridges

    theridges Guest

    did you put the eeprom and the C Drive in the Linux folder when creating the ISO to boot???
  3. Goatdog

    Goatdog Member

    Jun 14, 2006
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    Yeah, I did. I think my problem is either with the cables or the burning... I am not sure which, since I have never burned an iso before. Either way, it wont boot to that screen, and its extremely frustrating... I am still running that crappy 8gb with barely any space left!! I know, its sad.
  4. theridges

    theridges Guest

    what program are you burning the iso with?
    i would burn it with alcohol 120% or IMGBURN
  5. Goatdog

    Goatdog Member

    Jun 14, 2006
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    I have quite a few, but found that alcohol was much easier, and quicker too. I just recently got alcohol, and I dont even think I burned THAT particular iso with it, so I believe I will give it a try, and maybe I can make a bit of magic happen.
  6. DarkTekno

    DarkTekno Regular member

    Nov 13, 2005
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    did it say burn completed sucessfully? if so when you boot your pc, did you change the bios settings? also... I just recently completed my HDD upgrade and my cabled were set up like this:
    The new hdd, was set to the Primary Master, and the DVD drive was set to Secondary Master, but i had it plugged in as if it were a Secondary Slave. No other IDE cables were plugged in, except for the floppy. the power was only plugged into my new HDD, my floppy drive, and my 2 DVD drives.
    To get to the bios settings, all i did was tap the bios settings key (F1 for me)on startup and it took me there, then I played with the settings and eventually it took me to the hdm

    Hope this helps

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