Hi, I have a chipped XBOX with a stock HDD thats like 10gb. I want to upgrade it. What drives does the XBOX take? How would I upgrade with UnleashX dash? And whats the max capacity it takes?
if you have a chip just put in the hard drive you want to use (any) and use slayers evox auto installer and your good to go the drive wont have to be locked
you don't have to have evox ,you have to buy an ide hard drive. you put it in and you run AID and it formats it for you and you can install any dash and apps you want
all you gotta do is take ma current one out and put ma new one in with AID running and i install Dash to C drive?
You got it. Aid makes it very simple to set up new Hdd. I'd stick to a Hdd around 300 gb cause that's where the price break is it. I have read many threads where people have problems with extra large drives over 400Gb. I can't confirm that cause I have only worked with 300&320. Here's an example of the last 1 I bought that I'm very happy with. http://www.newegg.com/product/product.asp?item=N82E16822144392
So I open the XBOX, remove the retail HD, replace with new one and power xbox up and put AID 3 disc in. Turn the xbox on and off again and aid 3 shud load? then it will flash up saying found new HD do you want to format? then select yes and install a dash then its done? I might follow this guide here.
no need to turn the xbox off again, it kind of needs to be on to do this kind of thing. I've never used AID, but if it's anything like the slayer's disk. It will give you a menu, and one of the options will be. "Install to new hard drive"-- anything like that is what you want. I personally would backup the TDATA and UDATA folders from E:\ before putting the new drive in, savegames are nice to keep around
I will buy a 300gb+ 3.5inch IDE HD then. So I will follow the guide i linked you to to do this. I will backup the whole of C and E drives to my PC. Then I will replace the current retail HD with my new one. Is there anything I need to be careful of when opening my XBOX? (Electric, etc.). And can anyone link me to a guide to upgrading a HD with pictures in? Thanks.
http://www.xbox-modchips.com/xenium/iceguide.pdf Although this is a guide for the zenium chip installation, it explains how to open your xbox with pictures. Just switch your hard drive with the stock 1 then close it up and your good to go! You will need to get a torx set to open it up! T10 torx & T15 torx I believe are needed!! Then refer to chapter 6 for preparing Hdd http://www.aideluxe.com/manuals_aid30_06.html#chapter