I have had a NVIDIA GeForce 6200 for a while now. I just bought Team Fortress 2 and it lags a little, but does affect my game play. I ran a test on canyourunit.com and I pass the minimum but not the recommended. I fail my CPU speed at 2.79 GHz (recommended 3.0 GHz) and my Video Card at NVIDIA GeForce 6200 (recommended NVIDIA GeForce 7900+). When I play on my friend's computer, I play much better (he also does have a better graphics card and GPU speed than me). Would upgrading my video card to GeForce 8500 GT improve my game play (look at the link below to see what I am buying)? I do not want to upgrade my GPU because I do not know how and 0.21 GHz does not seem as much, but would it make a noticeable difference? Thanks http://www.compusa.com/applications....asp?EdpNo=3422142&csid=_21&body=REVIEWS#tabs
I'm assuming you mean CPU, not GPU, as the 8500GT is a GPU (slang term, really) That particular card, however, is outrageously overpriced. You could buy this for the same price, which obliterates it: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102804 (around triple the performance) As for your CPU, it depends which CPU it is, a 2.8Ghz P4 is OKish, but not ideal. Any dual core at that speed is fine though.
Thanks for replying. The link you gave me is to a Video Card for PCI-E, I have PCI. Sorry if I did not mention it above.
Then there's no point upgrading. The bandwidth of PCI is absurdly low, you won't get very good performance from any card, it's time for a proper upgrade.