upgrading my system

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by brian539, Jun 24, 2003.

  1. brian539

    brian539 Guest

    Currently i still have a p3 and am planning on exchanging it for a p4. It seems to me that the MTB_ASU_SKA_A7N8XDELUXE made by asus is a good board however before I go and pay 100$ plus for it I wanted to hear the views and opinions of you good people.
    What I am looking for in a board is good compatiblity with games along with the strength for downloading with my cable modem and video processing for dvd's.
    Thank you for your help :)
  2. Razzel

    Razzel Guest

    i think that you should buy micro mart every week they reveiw differnt boards personnally i have reacently invested into a wildcat board with multi processor caperbility (typo) i therefoe am running two 1,2 gig chips trust me its worth the agro and price as it is good for running the games and the other programs that i use at the same time the agp sockets are also very close to the cpu's to speed up connection speed

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