
Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by arcticice, Dec 26, 2004.

  1. arcticice

    arcticice Guest

    I am looking to upgrade, but am unsure what products to get.

    I want to upgrade my 512 MB Ram to 1024Ram. (DDR)
    I know how to do this, just what ram would you recommend?

    I am upgrading hard drive but am pretty sure i will go with maxtor.

    What else could I upgrade. I have a msi ms 6382 motherboard and an amd processor.

    Any ideas? Any help welcome.
  2. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    what speed is ram & how many sticks
  3. arcticice

    arcticice Guest

    i have 2 sticks st the moment 2x 256 = 512mb
  4. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    how many sticks of ram can go into motherboard, what video card & amd cpu using
  5. arcticice

    arcticice Guest

    up 2 two sticks of ram, i have amd athlon xp 2000+ (1.67ghz) and video card = nvidia gforce 4 mx 420
  6. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    well than get 2 sticks of 512 meg ddr of same speed of ram, check msi for updated bios that MIGHT let you use faster cpu & how much ram on video card
  7. Divinus

    Divinus Guest

    The video card is most likely 64MB and PCI. If you're going to be gaming on this machine you really need to grab a video card. If your board has AGP, which I'm sure it does, then grab a descently priced video card.
  8. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    it is a 4x agp with 64meg
  9. Divinus

    Divinus Guest

    Yeah, with that old G4 chipset even being AGP isn't going to help him.

    If he's planning on gaming, I'd definitely go with a new video card. Also, If you have the money and don't want to go to to overboard, I'd grab another processor too. 2000+ isn't bad, but it's really going to hold you back in gaming, especially if you get a nice video card and wonder why the frame rates aren't as high as others with the same video card... Prcoessor can't dish out the info fast enough.

    I'm looking at it completely from a gaming standpoint, though. If you plan on doing very little gaming or no gaming at all, I'd stick with your current video card and processor. Albeit, if you're planning on Doom 3 and Half-Life 2 you really need another video card and while that processor will probably get you by I'd really recommend a new one... for the sake of gaming at least.
  10. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    for doom3 game specs
    3D Hardware Accelerator Card Required - 100% DirectX® 9.0b compatible 64MB Hardware Accelerated video card and the latest drivers*.
    English version of Microsoft® Windows® 2000/XP
    Pentium® IV 1.5 GHz or Athlon® XP 1500+ processor or higher
    384MB RAM
    8x Speed CD-ROM drive (1200KB/sec sustained transfer rate) and latest drivers
    2.2GB of uncompressed free hard disk space (plus 400MB for Windows® swap file)
    100% DirectX® 9.0b compatible 16-bit sound card and latest drivers
    100% Windows® 2000/XP compatible mouse, keyboard and latest drivers
    DirectX® 9.0b (included)
    goto asus site for latest bios if available for your board
  11. Divinus

    Divinus Guest

    The thing with these specs are that they're [bold]bare minimum[/bold]. I dare someone to play Doom 3 with those specs and try to play it at any descent looking graphic level.

    My other PC is an Athlon 2000+ (Palomino) with 512MB PC 2700ram. It has a Geforce 2 64MB video card. This is very similar to his in most respects except for the video card. This game absolutely CRAWLS even on the lowest setting. I doubt having the cheapest Geforce 4 chipset available and being 4xAGP is going to change things much.

    I've also tried this on variable machines and another to mention is a P4 2.4 GHz. FX5200 Ulta with 384MB Ram. Unplayable.

    It really just depends on how your gaming experiences have been. People that are used to having lag may not mind it much. 15FPS in good spots and dropping to 1-2FPS isn't my idea of a pleasant gaming experience.

    If he tries to play Doom 3 even on the lowest settings with those specs (even with a GB of ram) he'll be playing frame by frame. It MIGHT be playable, but I'm willing to wager when you get into a gun fight in a highly lit area or an area that pushes your video card the fights will drop to possibly 0FPS and you'll be waiting for your video card to catch up.

    I'm not saying he won't be able to play the game with those specs, I'm just saying it won't be fun. Even if he does manage to disable all graphical features the spirit of Doom 3 will be ruined as it's a highly horror based game that does it's scaring based on shadows and things popping in and out of the darkness. It would ruin the ambience of the game and look similar to play pac-man.
  12. arcticice

    arcticice Guest

    thanks guys. So, what hardware would you recommend? any processor in mind, and a video card, which one?
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 26, 2004
  13. arcticice

    arcticice Guest

    and you talk about BIOS on MSI - what exactly does this mean?
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 26, 2004
  14. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    your stuck with amd unless you get new board, what speed is motherboard capable of going to, what gaming or whatever is computer being used & will be use for. the bios is the permanent memory of the computer, it tells cpu what to do til operating system loads. we have that in us to, conscious & unconscious memory. check on your screen when first starts up before windows the bios version & date in near top lefthand corner than goto msi to see if they have a newer version for your exact board

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