i wanted to know what i should do. Some feedback. some recommendations i have a Compaq Presario 2100 Laptop, and also a desktop... i tend to use the laptop more, but it only has 128ram but its upgradable to 256mb also it has 64mb Video card. Shloud i upgrade the ram (will it make a big difference in preformance?) or should i invest in upgrading the desktop ( P4 1.4, 128mb, 32m vidcard, 60gig harddrive) plz help me.....
what are you going to do with both system, surf the net, gaming or what, that determines what you will end up doing
Hey! Upgrading to 256mb will give you a moderate to substantial increase in performance. Since you use the LT more,maybe that is a good choice for now. What are the specs of the LT. I am currently using a P4 1.5,512mb mem,256mb video card,80/40gb HDs. The machine is pretty quick but you can't compare it to the cutting edge of technology. There is room for improvement for your P4 also. Memory will run you about 45-50can for desktop(a little more expensive for LT)The video card will be expensive for the LT(if you need more). For the desktop, you can pick up a 128mb for 100can. Hope this helps.
don't ?? think you can upgrade laptop video card, i think you are stuck at that level, ram wise for laptop you are alright for upgrade tho it depends on what windows using, the ram might be same as what is in your other computer as different laptops have different ram. you didn't mention your cd/dvd rom on laptop, if want to backup dvds onto disk you'll have to get external cd/dvd burner unless you have one already in laptop
Hey check out this link for your LT memory. http://www.memoryx.net/notebookmemory.html Some LTs are capable of upgrading video cards,but I don't think yours does. If you want to game, 64mb isn't enough for the latest games.
the version of the laptop is a COMPAQ PRESARIO 2100 but im in canada and there is like 4 versions of it the US,CA,etc.... so i contacted Compaq and waiting for the respond... the dvd burner im going to have to get a external one (any recommendations)
the version of the laptop is a COMPAQ PRESARIO 2100 but im in canada and there is like 4 versions of it the US,CA,etc.... so i contacted Compaq and waiting for the respond... the dvd burner im going to have to get a external one (any recommendations)
Hey! Where in Canada are you? If your getting DVD make sure you buy a good brand(LG,LiteOn,Pioneer..). Also make sure it's USB 2.O(providing the LT supports) If you spend a little more money, you can get the kind that takes the new dual layer technology and is 12-16x. Since its external you will probably pay dearly for the 16x dual layer so it might be better to buy internal one for about 120can and buy a USB to IDE adapter. My buddy has one and it works great. This adapter will also power the drive http://www.cwol.com/usb/usb-2-ide-adapter-ud200.htm
Hey! If your going the adapter route, I suggest the new LG GSA4160B. A great drive for an excellent price. You should NOT pay more than 120can. If your around the GTA go here http://canadacomputers.com/cdrom.html#dvd
hey i do live in the GTA Brampton, and i guess i will go the way for the USB -IDE thing is that an american website or canadain, im at work and have very small windows of time check out,,, and also is it safe to have a internal exposed and how would i set up the jumpers (same way as a normal one (slave)
you can get complete usb external case at gogocomputers.com in markham for $38 http://www.gogocomputers.com/productsCASE.htm. i am using the 2 1/2in version for my laptop drive. you can set drive as master or slave but system don,t know that except it is usb
Hey! I'm not sure about the site(I think it's American) but you can google Canadian sites under the search and see what comes up. Just remember the adapter has to power the drive also. The jumper situation should be moot since your using the USB controller not the IDE. Complete intructions should be in the box. Yes it is safe as long as you dont drop or spill stuff on it.
Hey! Another good reason to go internal is that you can easily move the DVD between both machines at will. DDP,your link is not happening.
i have an ibm 6.4gig harddrive from a laptop. it fits in an external usb case that i take with me to put on updates on different customers' computers. the actual drive measures 2 5/8in in width but the call it 2 1/2in the link you'll have to go to http://www.gogocomputers.com/ select products select cases. i got an external usb case for a friend who has put a 20gig laptop drive in it to transfer movies & whatever
is there a case so that i can put a dvd burner in then with that case connect it with the USB to IDE adapter,, or would i have to just get the USB to IDE adpt. and just plug it in and have it loose