Hey, Im wondering about PS2 -> PC adapters, i will be buying one soon, i was just wondering if anyone here has one and know how good compatibility is, chances are i will be buying this one. http://www.gocybershop.ca/customer/product.php?productid=216&cat=32&page=1 I ordered my SwapMagic 3.6 from there and i got it in perf condition, but anyway. Is that a good one? is there any better ones for cheaper? With shipping (for that one), i will be paying just under $ 30. 27.xx. Any suggestions? EDIT: I will be mainly using this for Emulators/ ROMs on my PC.
Compatibility is pretty good. I have a similar one that Radio Shack sells for about $10. Mine just supports a single PS2 controller though. The only emulator I have had trouble with it working on is DOSBox, which expects the old style that connected to a sound card.