used psp fat with games 4 sale ($200 minimum) or trade ( looking for a psp slim with pandora's battery and fw 2.0. includes games: miami vice, defjam,scarface ,syphon filter logan's shadow.
What condition is the fat psp in and running what firmware? The games included are the original UMD discs right? Not ones on a memory stick?
its in great condition, all the games are the original UMD's and it currently runs 3.93 fw i made the stupid mistake of updating
Well the firmware can be fixed easily Oh also you need to post where you are located and where you'll ship to along w/ shipping. You should also list the lowest price you'll accept for the psp if not a trade. I may know someone interested.
i will ship anywhere withen the mainland of the USA. and the minimum i will acept is two hundred USD either check or moneyorder or trade of a psp slim with fw 2.0