I am trying to use a Action Replay Code Card with a multi game NDS Firecard. I have the codes on code card but when I connect my multigame card it states game unknown. Does a Action Replay card work with a multigamecard.
I dont think there is a way to use flashcarts with an action replay. But most flashcarts have action replay function built in. I'm not sure if the firecard does, but if the R4, M3, Acekard, CycloDS and a dozen other flashcards do then I would think that the firecard would support it as well.
You'd have to find a guide for the firecard, but most flashcarts have action replay built in. Typically they use a cheat file which contains nearly every code for nearly every game out there. At some point before picking the game, you can bring up a list of all codes for that game and turn them on or off as you wish.
Anybody out there know where to get a guide and a step by step guide on how to load cheat codes onto the ds fire card.
there is a cheat file list for every card over at http://cheats.gbatemp.net/ but firecard is not on the list. sorry.