Using BlindWriter Siute 4.57 and Doom 3?

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by MackIII, Oct 9, 2004.

  1. MackIII

    MackIII Guest

    Are there any guides or hints to using BW Suite 4.57 for reading/writing my Doom 3. I read somewhere that using this software was the best for making a good copy of doom 3. I guess I would like to know if I need to change any setings to get this to work? Do I need to set this software to bypass the copy protection some how or what?

    I seem to have burned an image and was able to write it to a CD but when I start disk 1 and hit play it just locks up, sits there, and times out.

    Any advise?
  2. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Try these settings,

    Read settings:
    1) Authorize the use of alternative method
    2) Choose nibble and read at 8x
    Write settings
    1) NO AWS, NO autoplay enabled, burn DAO pw at 4x
  3. MackIII

    MackIII Guest

    Should I be getting errors doing the reading process even though it says I have an image created? Also, Where are these settings for the write process you mention? I don't see any of these settings when I go back into BW Suite to tranfere my data to a CD.
  4. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    It's normal to get a whole string of errors when you begin reading a SafeDisc protected game - that's part of how the protection works.

    You can set No EWS and No Autoplay through the BlindWrite Configuration option when you first open the Write window. Burning DAO PW at 4X can be set at the last window before the write process begins :)
  5. MackIII

    MackIII Guest

    Call me stupid but when I open BW Suite (to load my data on to disc, I still don't see any seletions for: No AWS, No auto play enabled or on the next page no burn DAO pw at 4x.

    Are we talking about the same program? I do see all the selections,you segested for reading the disc in the read mode to select. It is just i see none of the ones you mentioned as a selection for write mode.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 10, 2004
  6. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    When you first open the Write mode you should see Four options to tick:

    Start CD Writing Wizard

    Erase a Rewritable CD

    Select A Language

    BlindWrite Configuration (this is the one you want)

    You're using 4.57 and not 5 correct?
  7. MackIII

    MackIII Guest

    Duh at me. I just entered the CD wizard and was looking for it there. I see what you are talking about now. I'll try this and let you know.

  8. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Don't worry. The reason I know right where to find is because I did the exact same thing you did until Shoey straightened me out :)
  9. MackIII

    MackIII Guest

    OK, I'ved used those settings and I still get to the same point and locks up. I put my copied disk 1 in and it comes up to the menu where I click on play. From here it goes to another menu where the title Doom 3 pops up and then it locks up and eventually times out and tells me to install disk 1.

    I supposedly have a 2 sheep burner according to the list (Sony CRX210E1)?????? Is this true? Also is this the image ( C:\Program Files\VSO\BlindWrite\DOOM3_1.BWT) that I should be pulling off my hard drive to burn it to my CD? Just curious
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 11, 2004
  10. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    SafeDisc 3.20.022 that Doom 3 uses is a tough one and the list of burners that can make a working copy of it that requires no emulation is a short one. I'd suggest giving Alcohol 120% a try if you haven't already.

    Here's a link that may be of interest to you regarding the hardware/software combos that have been used to back up Doom 3:
  11. JasonnB

    JasonnB Member

    Nov 28, 2004
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    I have a new HP with a HP dvd/cd burner. Will this work on mine?

    What program is the suggested one to use now for DOOM 3?
  12. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    I doubt your HP is going to ba able to make a working copy (one that doesn't require emulation) although you can always give it a shot.

    I'd suggest using Alcohol 120%, and use the "Burn RPMS data to recordable media" feature.

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