G'day, Followed an excellent post in AfterDawn by bbmayo re using the freeby VSO DivXtoDVD program. Great effort. But what I find is that the resultant output is badly "blocky" when the scenes are close up and/or fast paced. The video doesn't seem to be able to keep up and the scene disintegrates into moving blocks similar to when news-videos are hiding the identity of someones face on TV. Makes the result virtually un-watchable. Is this normal? My system otherwise seems to work okay. Cheers, Russ Swan
This is normal, depending on the length of the video, and the bitrate used to fit it onto the disk. If the movie is longer than about 90 minutes, or is a very high action flick, you're better off doing it onto two disks. There are ways around it, but you'll need a much better encoder, and something to author them.