hello there i want to know if i use dvd region free or anydvd to back up my movies in conjuction with copydvd or any other back up software out there, will they be totally region free? i mean no region at all. or do they automatically put region 1? also is there any program to check my back up copy to see what region is on it? i know i can use dvd shrink/dvd decrytor to get rid of the region first and then burn, but i want to do it on the fly using dvd region free or anydvd. thanks in advance.
Hi aztec, I know Anydvd makes the copy completely region free. I haven't used Region free so I'm not sure if it works the same way ot not. I think it does. Also DVD43 is a free version similar to Anydvd but only works with XP. Download DVDINFOPRO which I think will show you the region information you want plus several other goodies you will like. Info on your drive, blank disc, speed check. Jerry